Sunday, December 4, 2011

Should You Remain Friends With Your Ex?

To cut or not to cut an ex from your life after a breakup, that is the question. Of course, every relationship and breakup is different and there isn’t a one right way to navigate a post-breakup friendship, but in general, cutting off an ex, at least for the short-term, seems like a healthy way to process feelings and figure out who “you” are when you’re no longer part of a “we.” It can be tempting to remain close to the person whose life was so intertwined with yours, but jumping into a friendship with an ex muddles those often very confusing emotions following a breakup. I’m not saying one can never be friends with an ex. Depending on how serious the relationship was to begin with, or how easy the breakup was, it’s possible to immediately and seamlessly move into a friendship. Additionally, even serious relationships that end with a lot of emotional fanfare can eventually create enough distance to be close again.