Saturday, December 24, 2011


Okay! So your room is: messy, unorganized, boring, too dark, dull...too kiddish, too mature, sad, been the same FOREVER, no room, doesn't fit you, ugly, smells bad, or just looks like a tornado crashed through your room!
I have the answers!
It looks like a lot but not really. Just pick your category!


Clothes end up on the floor? Many people clean and clean and clean their room but it still looks too packed and dirty or things just magically end up on the floor and you just don't know how it got there.
Well for starters, get a laundry basket! This will be your best friend! Make sure it's pretty. Or if your closet is big enough and it doesn't bother you, your could get a simple plastic nice colored one load basket at THE DOLLAR STORE! It's not expensive. But for those people whose closet is small or there's no room in it for a basket, then hampers are PERFECT! Of course they're about 5-10 dollars, but that isn't that bad, and it's worth it. Get one that fits in a corner and has colors that match your walls or decor.
EVERY TIME you change your clothes, PUT THEM INTO THE BASKET/HAMPER! It's so simple. Before the basket gets too full or to the top, wash it. Well that's for clothes, basically keep them off the floor. Even doing just this makes your room look bigger.
Bed always a mess? Okay, when you don't make your bed, not only is it ugly but it makes your room look nasty! SO if you have a lot of pillows and you sleep by yourself in a small bed, you really only need 2 and maybe 1 throw pillow for looks. Keep pillows off the floor. When you wake up, make the bed. If you have no time then at least make sure that there are NO blankets, pillows or sheets on the floor!
Shoes? Keep them in your closet or under your bed. If you're in a hurry, then at least kick them into a corner or against your wall. That way no one trips on them. For shoe organizers, the worst problems, I personally think tennis shoes are awesome to wear (converse, vans, etc.) BUT LOOK UGLY SITTING ON THE FLOOR, OR ON A SHELF IN THE CLOSET! Racks are hideous but what to do with them?
Okay, one thing, keep the boxes to your shoes. When you're done wearing them, put them into the box and then under your bed. If they don't fit under your bed, put them on the floor or a shelf in your closet stacked with all the other shoe boxes that are there. Yes, it's ugly until you get a shelf that has a door. OKAY I have 15 pairs of shoes, including 7 pairs of converse, 2 vans, 1 pair of boots, 3 pairs of etnies, and 2 pairs of DC's. (yes I skate)
WHAT I DO? Many people don't have a long shelf in their closet, but I do. What I do is have each pair of my shoes in order in a row and to hide them, I have CURTAINS! After I get the pair of shoes I want, then I pull the small curtain over them and close my closet. The curtain is purple and is thick, and my feet don't smell BUT I keep a bottle of Febreze in my closet and spray my shoes and clothes, occasionally.
Everything else? Nothing should not be on the floor! "If you use something, put it back", that's what my parents say and I do it. Guess what? IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
  • Belts and jackets go on hooks in your closet or on hangers. Put them in your closet.
  • Books go on a shelf organized by color. It gives your room a clean spark to it.
  • Trinkets go on a shelf. If you have little brothers, sisters or little people you hang with, then put things high. It's not that difficult, just as long as you can reach it.
  • Make up: girls keep that it a box or a small night table drawer. Put the night table under a mirror which is by your bedroom door. That way, if you need a touch up, then you can just reach for it on your way out. It's also a good way so you don't forget something. Then the night before, put it on the table and then in the morning you remember it! And for something extra, keep a little cute lamp on the table.
  • Jewelry: keep on an earring rack, necklaces on hooks, and rings on those cool fake hands and get a good color, soemthing bright. Put them all together on a little table or shelf and it looks very pretty, something else that looks nice is to have a cool looking lamp next to it (lava lamp, or those lamps that are shaped like hearts or pandas, or something). If you have nail polish, keep that all in one place, unless you have like a big collection, then put it in a seperate drawer next to your make up.

If Your Room Stinks

If you're the type of person who like to keep your door closed all the time, that's a problem because you don't get any air circulation. I can't change that for you, so something else you could do is keep your window open while your door is closed. If you're very private and have peeping toms, then get sheer curtains. That way, you can see out but they can't see in (I would consider getting a nice bright color for the sheers like yellow, or a lime green). This also is a good way to save electricity because of light, and fans, and air conditioning.

If You Want To Make It Homey

Painted walls! Stay away from those red, black, navy blue, dark green, maroony colors! I personally like black but it is depressing for everything to be that color, my room is a light purple. Making your room a light color makes it seem bigger which is great. Not only that but if you have a bright light happy color, you can use dark AND bright stuff in your room,
which makes it nice.
Try getting (if you have the money) a love seat for when people come over. A love seat is a small couch made for 2 people. It is small and homey. Much furniture is nice to have in a room.
Okay, well as you can see, I have much to say when I grow up. I want to be a organizer and clean people's homes and I would love to help and give you advice. I have much more to tell you but so little time. If this didn't help you, don't give up on me. I didn't say everything. I went through the basics. I have more on each topic and more topics I'd like to say but no time.
I would love to help if you have ANY QUESTIONS about this!
I have ways to save money where you can buy things, what you should buy, and I'm good for all types of people.
I'm pretty much free all the time so I will help you.