Monday, December 12, 2011

Lεaяn It & Livε It

John 14:6
Learn It: Jesus is the one and only way to God.
Live It: Memorize this verse, and look for others that are similar. Remember that Jesus, not a bunch of weird and far-out ideas, is the only way to God.

John 14:15
Learn It: We show our love for God by obeying him.
Live It: Begin each day with a prayer asking God to help you obey him, both by avoiding the bad things toy shouldn't do and by intentionally doing the good things you should.

John 16:33
Learn It: Life can be crazy and out of control.
Live It: When things are rough and you're totally stressed out, don't blame God (He never promised things would be easy). Instead, lean on him and ask him for strength and guidance.
Info from Biblezine™ Revolve 2OO7