Monday, December 12, 2011

What's at the Center of Your Life..

My life might be revolving around my fear if I ...

⇨ obsess about my decisions.

 try to control people and circumstances all the time.

⇨ don't want to leave my comfort zone or try new things.

⇨ often worry about what people think of me.

⇨ get paranoid that God is going to zap me with lightening to punish me for my sins.

 imagine scary things happening to myself or others -- like accidents or getting sick.

⇨ can't stand to be alone.

⇨ try to hard to hold on to relationships.

⇨ reject people before they can reject me.

 overanalyze everything and constantly think "what if...?".

The God who created the massive galaxies and delicate snowflakes is watching over you and caring for you every moment of my life. You are never lost or alone.

Romans 8:15 ==>> "The Spirits we received does not make us slaves again to fear; it makes us children of God. With that Spirit we cry out, 'father'."
Info from Biblezine™ Revolve 2OO7