Saturday, December 24, 2011

.: DRεAMS :.
Are you afraid to figure out what those recurrent, wacky dreams you've been having lately really mean? How could terrifying images of falling down a huge flight of steps or flying over the roof tops without benefit of plane or wings, or standing without any clothes on in front of your English class have anything to do with the real world? Although they seem to have no bearing on your waking life, current research says the opposite...your dreams are made up out of bits and pieces of what you do all day.
Psychologists say that dreams reflect important aspects of our personalities. They are not just the random firings of our brain. Nor are they symbolic visions that should dictate the course of our lives. Dreams can regulate our moods and help determine whether we jump out of bed in the morning...or hide under the covers.
Like fingerprints, dreams vary from person to person. When they're the "good" kind, they aid in resolving emotional problems by working through them step by step. When they fail to resolve the problem, they can become nightmares, repeated sequences that create anxiety. Fortunately most of our dreams are the good kind.
If you dream you get to your math final 30 minutes late the night before you're taking the exam, you can pretty much figure out you're anxious about the test. But what about those off-the-wall visions that reoccur every once in awhile? See if any of these dreams have visited you at 3:00am.

  1. You're standing center stage in a school play and can't even remember the play you're in, let alone your lines. Or you're facing an exam booklet in a foreign language you've never taken. These fear of failure dreams pop up all through life. They reveal how worried you are about doing well, not necessarily how prepared you really are.
  2. You're falling through the air, either down steps or from a roof or down a mountain. You're probably feeling powerless or out of control about some situation. It's called life.
  3. You're screaming at the top of your lungs. It could be a teacher or parent or sibling or friend who makes you feel insecure and overwhelmed that triggers such thoughts.
  4. There you are, buck naked, in front of a crowd. Depending on the extent of your panic, this could mean you feel very vulnerable and exposed about something or you're free, and have nothing to hide. (Yeah, right!)
  5. You're dealing with someone you hardly know or can't stand or never saw before. Relax. The specific person in your dream is unimportant. He or she is just playing a part in the theater of your unconscious. It is the role that has meaning, not the actor. The man in your dreams is not necessarily the man of your dreams!
  6. You're flying high, floating with ease among the clouds. This joyful feeling can be an expression of confidence and accomplishment. Or a sign that you enjoy taking risks.
  7. If you'd like to remember more of your dreams but they tend to evaporate upon awakening, don't give up. Programming your mind to remember before you go to sleep might help. So will keeping a pad by your bed so you can record your thoughts before they slip away.
    Info from