Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lεaяn It & Livε It

Mark 7:21
Learn It: Evil things begin inside the mind.
Live It: What did you think about today? Were there any places, people, images, sounds, or activities that made your mind wander where it shouldn't? Busted! From now on, avoid those things so that your mind can stay on the right track.

Mark 12:41-44
Learn It: Giving to god isn't supposed to be comfortable -- it's supposed to be radical.
Live It: This month, make a list of how much money you spend and what you spend it on. Figure out ways to spend less on yourself and more on others.

Mark 14: 37
Learn It: We should be "all there" when we spend time with Jesus.
Live It: Spend time with God --praying and reading the Bible-- when you are awake and psyched. Don't do your devotions when you're tired-- you'll probably fall asleep. God deserves your full attention.
Info from Biblezine™ Revolve 2OO7