Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lεaяn It & Livε It

Luke 1:1-4
Learn It: Jesus was mot a poser. his life was totally true.
Learn It: Get to know Jesus better by reading the Gospels. Spend a month on each book, reading through it several times. Pay attention to Jesus' words, actions, and teachings so you can become more like him.

Luke 4:1-13
Learn It: To avoid getting caught in a sticky situation, know what the Bible says about it beforehand.
Live It: Write about verses that are especially helpful and meaningful to you on small pieces of paper that you can hang in your locker or keep in a pocket or your purse.

Luke 7:50
Learn It: No matter who you are or what you've done, Jesus offers forgiveness.
Love It: If you want a fresh start, a new life, and a total do-over . . . Just ask Jesus. You don't need to become a good person first. He takes you just as you are, right now.

Info from Biblezine™ Revolve 2OO7