Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What's a BFF? Do you really have any best friends? Are you a good BFF? Being a good friend takes character and loyalty. Yet being a good friend is a very difficult goal, particularly during your teen years. Peer pressure.. Cliques and groups.. The temptation to gossip. These are all very real obstacles on the road to being a trustworthy BFF. And you know the saying, "To have a good friend, you first have to be one."

Want some friendly tips on friendship? Read on.

Friendly Tip #1: Get To Know Your Friends. You say you know who your friends are? Well, you might know what period they have English or the combination to their locker but do you really know what makes them tick? Understanding who your friends are will help you be a better friend to them.

Friendly Tip #2: Believe half of what you read and none of what you hear! Actually, that's an old saying but it still fits! A true friend doesn't succumb to rumors, half-truths and judgments about people they care about. Don't judge a friend without knowing the truth.

Friendly Tip #3: Know Who You Can Trust. People come in all shapes and sizes. And some people are just born gossips.  Where do you fit in? Are secrets safe with you?

Friendly Tip #4: Nobody's Perfect! Everyone deserves a second (and maybe third, fourth, etc) chance. You and your friends are bound to make mistakes. Learn to forgive. 

Friendly Tip #5: Don't Stress! You know, sometimes bffs just want to have fun! Spend time with your favorite friends. Go shopping.. Make up a dance routine.. Pig out! Forget all about the little things that might bother you. In the end, a real bff is someone who makes you laugh!

Info from  BeingGirl.com