Saturday, November 19, 2011

Did You Know?
[The Fats That Make You Thin]
Fat. The word alone is enough to send most people running for the hills. But contrary to popular belief, fat is actually good for you. It is as important to the human body as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In fact, experts recommend that 15-20% of our diet should consist of fat. It just has to be the right kind.
Fats can be placed into 3 categories - the good, the bad and the downright ugly. It’s the good fats - also known as essential fatty acids, or EFAs - which we need to include in our diet on a regular basis. Note the word essential - our bodies cannot produce these vital-for-health fatty acids, so we need to get them from our food.
The EFA omega-3 helps to produce neurotransmitters in the brain, which make us feel and perform at our best. Omega-3 also reduces the stickiness of blood and controls cholesterol and fat levels, which in turn improves immune function and metabolism. Therefore, as opposed to making us fat, it can actually help us to lose weight.