What Your Favorite Color Says About You

Orange: The color of autumn was named in the tenth century after the fruit. Although it has a strong relationship to food, fruit and spices, orange has always been a second string color, taking a back seat to red and yellow. If orange, the color of heat, fire and the harvest is your favorite color, you probably get along well with others. You tend to be social and hate to be alone. If you're feeling down in the dumps, adding a tad of orange to your day can help.
White: The color white as the color of innocence, purity and cleanliness. People who like white are often organized and logical and don't have a great deal of clutter, either tangible or psychological, in their lives. People who prefer white to other colors are usually the type to get things done in a timely fashion.
Green: Green reminds us of freshness, security, jealousy and camouflage. It symbolizes new growth and increases our sense of well-being. "Green rooms" in theaters promote a clam, restful atmosphere. The color of most of the world's currency, green is considered secure and stable. If it's your favorite, you are an affectionate, loyal friend who is inclined to be frank and moral. You're a person whose reputation is very important to you and when you start something, you finish it.
Yellow: Yellow is the color of the creative and artistic individual. If it's your favorite, you have a cheerful spirit and are inclined to be intellectual, idealistic and imaginative. The color yellow has been found to reduce theft in stores and improve the thought process of young children. Energetic yellow is used to draw most "happy" pictures.
Gray: Long if you're in a relationship with someone who picks gray for their favorite color. You'll experience both sides of that coin. A female who loves gray comes across as cool and professional. She can shake her hair down but a lump in the covers can have her drifting off in her mind to do her taxes. A man who likes gray is hard to reach and attacks love like a duty. Grays are best suited to other grays...together, they form a very content union.
Red: Dynamic red is the color of love, courage, anger and joy. It demands attention and helps create a cheerful atmosphere. Some studies have shown people become hungry around the color red. If you prefer red, you are impulsive, possibly athletic, sexy and given to mood swings. You are determined to experience life to its fullest.
Violet/Purple: Violet/Purple, the color of luxury and sensuality helps release creativity. Its lavish nature is seen on religious robes and smelled in expensive perfumes. If violet/purple is your favorite, you are strong, sensitive at times, and your observant personality makes you quite unique. You are artistic and enjoy being creative and glamorous. Although you confide in friends, it's tough sometimes for them to "get" you.
Blue: Blue, the color of tranquility, the color of the sea and the sky, is both the color of peace and the color of royalty. Its calming effects make it the color of choice for hospital nurseries. If blue is your favorite color, you crave harmony. You are capable, sensitive and make an outstanding friend. You are cautious in your manner of dress and conscientious at whatever you're working on.
Black: People who prefer black are intense and immediate. They rarely tease and are more likely to just grab your hand and drag you off when the mood strikes them...if the mood strikes them.. if they can shake that introspective moodiness long enough to feel anything. They thrive on anger and stress and friction...if you find yourself bound to one of these people, keep to the edge and hang on!
Pink: Pink is associated with gentleness, softness and calm. Those who choose pink as their favorite color are often calm and sensitive and care about other feelings. Pink lovers are also generally sympathetic and compassionate and dislike controversy of any kind.
Brown: Teddy bears and melted chocolate for these lovers. They make caring and sensitive partners who revel in romance and relish togetherness. A brown lover wraps themselves in the ideals and imaginings of love and a relationship with them can sweep you away into dreams and whispers. Beware! Reality is a cold, hard bite to these people and everything can come unwrapped if conditions are less than ideal.
Info from BeingGirl.com