Follow your heart.
Go with your gut.
Trust your instincts.
We’ve all been advised to make decisions by listening to that little voice in our heads.
Clear out that cluttered head and listen up! Intuition steers you in the right direction by bringing you that euphoric flash of clarity.
Here’s how to get in touch with your “inner voice” and make confident decisions.
1) Pay attention to your body's responses. Sudden goose bumps, a feeling of inspiration or a strange vibe – these are all indicators that you are sensing something about a person or proposition. Tuning into these initial impressions will help you decide who you want to befriend or work with.
2) Feel out your environment. Every place carries the energy of the people who are in it. If you are focusing on the here and now, you will be able to sense what is going on: tension between friends, welcoming energy, etc. This will allow you to decide if you want to be there or not.
3) Challenge these instincts. Don’t totally trust these senses right away. Making the right decision takes practice. In order to sharpen your sixth sense, you should test out your accuracy on friends and family. Soon enough you will know when to trust that inner whisper.