Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Do You Feel About Yourself?

Self esteem is your opinion of yourself.
High self esteem is a good opinion of yourself
&& low self esteem is a bad opinion of yourself.
What can you do to raise your self-esteem...
1. Find something, whether it's music or sports or academics or dance, that you excel in. Nothing is guaranteed to make you feel good about yourself faster than being successful.
2. Lean on your family for support. Try to see yourself though your grandma's eyes.
3. Figure out who you are, where you came from, and what you're all about. Think about the kind of life you want to lead. Be proud of your uniqueness.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on the parts of yourself you like the best.
5. Adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings. Be proud of the job you're doing surviving this decade. Dwell a bit on your abilities, skills and accomplishments.
6. Try to silence that inner critic who seems to find fault with so many things you do. That inner critic belongs to you, not your parents or your teacher or your friend. You can decide the message it will send.
7. Make sure your expectations are realistic. It's fine to want to improve....just be sure to aim for accomplishment, not perfection.
8. Exercise. There it is again. You'll unload stress and feel stronger and happier.
9. Practice, each day, writing down three things about yourself that you wouldn't change.
10. Do a good deed. Tutor a younger kid, help clean up your neighborhood, be part of a fund-raising effort for a good cause. Feeling like you're making a difference will definitely improve self-esteem.
11. Straighten up, smile and look straight ahead... you'll look and feel more confident.
12. Don't hesitate to ask for professional help if you need it. To heal emotional hurt and build healthy, positive self-esteem sometimes takes some expert guidance. It takes work but the payoff better relationships, sticking with a project until it's done, dealing more easily with disappointments and mistakes is worth every second!
Info from