Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teen Love Advice <3

Every time you catch sight of him, your heart starts pumping a bit faster, your palms sweat, and your face turns bright red. There’s no hiding it from your friends or yourself, you’ve got the bug—the LOVE bug!

Having a crush can drive a girl crazy. You think about him everyday. You hope to see him at school or work and when you do, do you talk to him? No way! Instead you sit there and gaze and sigh heavily. You imagine going to the movies together and telling each other funny stories. Crushing on someone is like carrying a 30-ton weight on your back. It’s nerve wracking because you have no clue how he feels about you!

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to get the weight off your chest and clear the air! Get out the red construction paper and doilies because you’re making that boy a Valentine’s Day card!

Find out what he likes. Now, you’re not a stalker, so don’t do anything crazy like follow him for a day. If you have mutual friends, ask them. Does he wear a specific sports cap or jersey? Is he on your school’s soccer team? Is he in a band? Whatever his likes are, get out some old magazines and cut out some pictures of his favorite sports team, band, or anything else you feel will fit. Make a heart out of red construction paper and decorate it with the cut-outs glitter, doilies, or whatever expresses your feelings for him. Mix in some of your favorite things, too!,

Having writer’s block? Keep it simple when you’re writing your message. Don’t tell him you think about him all 1,440 minutes in a day. That sounds creepy. If you’re super stuck, use this template and fill in the blanks:

Dear Name of Cute Boy,

My name is Your Name. I’ve seen you around at Place. I think you’re really Adjective and Adjective. I would really like to get to know you better. I think we’d have a lot of fun together. I’d really like it if we could talk sometime. My screen name/email address/phone number is Screen Name/Email Address/Phone Number. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your Name

Drop it in his locker or, if you’re really brave, give it to him face to face! We all know that the worst thing that could happen is that he doesn’t feel the same feelings for you. If that’s the case, you will survive. If you have ever had a crush before, you know that you’ll eventually get over it. If this is your first crush, you’ll feel sad and upset, but you will be OK!

If you never tell your crush your true feelings, you’ll never know what could have happened! He’ll definitely think you’re brave for telling him how you feel.

Be strong, be yourself, and just have fun!

Info from BeigGirl.com