Saturday, January 14, 2012


Whether it's that you no longer find his ridiculous jokes funny...or his kisses transporting...or the way he chews adorable...whether the time that used to fly by now seems to be traveling by school bus, it's time to face the fact that you are no longer interested in this guy as a boyfriend. The attention about heartbreak and breaking up is usually focused on us when we are "the dumpee." But truth be told, it's just a tad less horrible being "the dumper."
If you are in a relationship you know deep down is destined to end, you owe it to the guy you once thought fun and exciting, not to drag it out. Breaking up is a crummy job but it can be less so if you:
1. Are quick and merciful with the truth. Even if you think it would be easier if you act mean and cold so that he dumps you, be aware it's also crueler...and he probably doesn't deserve that.
2. Are aware that boys, without the gift of the intimate communication skills of girls, can actually be hurt more deeply than we can.
3. Realize you are going to feel guilty, accept you'd rather have your friends tell him, be aware that chances are, he hasn't changed, you have.
4. Expect that he will not take the news well. He might attack or say hurtful things or hide altogether that your words bother him. Take the high road and treat him with respect.
5. Don't attempt to explain by listing his faults or blaming him. He really doesn't want to hear. (Would you?)
6. Say you're sorry. Tell him you really enjoyed your time together. Compliment him, then tell him how you feel. Keep in mind you are probably going to see this person after this conversation ends. If you're successful, there will be a day pretty soon where you can resume your relationships as friends...or at least civil acquaintances.
7. Don't go on and on about your feelings. Guys aren't into those kinds of details in the best of circumstances and this is definitely not one of those.
8. Resist the urge to call him after you break up. Even if it's his birthday or you want to be nice or you miss the connection. Let him get over you.
9. Remember that breaking up is a normal part of growing up. These years will be filled with relationships that will end. It's painful but all part of the game.
10 Depend on friends and family to help you through. Even though you're initiating the break-up, someone who was a big part of your life is gone. Use your support system. Distract yourself. And remember, time does heal.
Info from