Thursday, August 23, 2012

Write it down!
If you have a tough time sticking to a healthy diet, I suggest keeping a food diary. It may sound like a crazy nit-picky thing to do, but it really helps. Even if you do it for just one week, you realize what you are (or are not) putting into your body. Furthermore, it’s been said that people who keep a food journal tend to lose more weight than those who do not. It makes sense when you think about it. After all, those cookies and sugary Frappuccino’s don’t look so appetizing when they are staring back at you in ink…

If the pen and paper method is not for you, there are actually several great apps you can use to track your daily food intake. They are really easy to use and have a huge database of food and their calories. A few of my favorites include Calorie Tracker app, Calorie Counter, and Lose It.