Sunday, January 29, 2012

Heaяt of Woяship

[ Worship Is All About Love ]

Here's a Greek lesson for you: the most frequent Greek wod used for worship in the New Testament is proskuneo. That may sound like a funky word, but it comes from two words: pros, meaning "toward," and kuneo, meaning "to kiss". In the Bible, kissing is an act of reverence and devotion. (Romans 16:16 says, "Greet each other with a holy kiss.") That means worship is all about expressing love and affection to God. Making time to connect with God is what being a Christian is all about, and our deepest times of intimacy come through worship. His capacity to receive our worship is infinite -- too much is never enough! Show God some love in your worship today.
Info from Biblezine™ Revolve 2OO7