Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Look Good in Pictures

Whether it's because they are more social or have more time, or because they love scrapbooks and collages and photo albums, or because they are so into capturing the companionship and excitement of the next few years, teenage girls are at the forefront of takingand being front and center ina huge percentage of the photographs taken each year. And December, with all its traditions and holiday dinners and parties, is the month when it's hardest not to be caught before someone's lens and most teenage girls want to look good in pictures!
With the popularity of throwaway cameras and digital cameras and cell phones with the capability to take impromptu photos, there's a good chance you are going to be immortalized in print sometime soon! For those of you who believe there's no such thing as too many photographsand those of you who want to ensure that you will live on in posterity looking your best, here are some tips to remember to help you look good in pictures! You won't need a makeup artist or a fashion stylist to help you look gorgeous if you remember to:

  • Avoid bright white clothing around your faceit'll wash you out. Also avoid bold printsyou don't want your outfit to overwhelm you from looking good in pictures.
  • Keep your chin up to avoid the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Apply a little concealer to eliminate shadows.To look good in pictures, dust some powder on your forehead, nose, and chin, so your face won't look shiny. Lift your face slightly. Forget smoky eyes and nude lipsyou might look great in person but the camera won't be impressed.
  • The best time to look good in pictures is outside in the afternoon.
  • Act natural. If you feel awkward, that's what the camera will see. Forget about posing when the photographer is taking candid shots. The beauty of these pictures is the emotion of a moment.
  • While you should always stand tall and proud, these tricks will help you look slimmer in front of the camera. If you're standing, transfer your weight to your back foot. If you're sitting, slide forward slightly, keeping your knees together and to one side so they're not photographed head on to look good in pictures.
  • For those who want to look thinner in photos, position yourself at a 45-degree angle to the camera. Don't press your arms against your sides. Keep them slightly away from your body to make them look svelter. Angling one hip toward the camera can make you shed pounds visually. To make your waist appear smaller, put your hands on your hips with thumbs pointed down in front and you'll always look good in pictures!
  • For the most flattering close-up, bring your chin forward, tilt your head down and look up slightly. Although it sounds funny, practice your natural expression and different smile styles in the mirror before any special occasion where you expect to have to pose. Try to remember to change your expression often to prevent looking stiff. Forget about saying "cheese." That'll just get you with your mouth half open.
  • If you're feeling tense, take a breath, look away, and then look back at the camera. Smile, you are beautiful and you'll look good in pictures!