Monday, March 18, 2013

Don’t Want To Go To College—Now What?

You've probably heard more than once, "Make sure you get good grades now so you can get into a good college." Most parents push their kids towards college starting at a young age, and in America especially, going to college right after high school is the "norm."

But what if you don't want to go to college?

Seeing your friends pick out colleges can be frustrating if you don't want to go to college yourself. If you don't think you want to go to college, it's important to at least look at the reasons why.

Check out your reasons

Some reasons are understandable and acceptable. Maybe you have a plan that doesn't involve a typical four-year college degree. Maybe you want to study art or music privately with great teachers, go to a fashion or cosmetology school, or explore a technical career. The travel industry only requires a two-year program. Or maybe you don't want to go to college because you're just not quite ready to be serious about school, you want to work for a year to save some money or you want to join the military.

On the other hand, if you don't want to go to college because you're afraid—of a new situation and new people, or that you might not do well—these are lame excuses. Never let fear stop you from moving forward in your life. Other college freshman will have the same social challenges as you do, and the classes won't be that hard if you pay attention and do your work. Don't let college intimidate you. Grab the opportunity—you'll see that you can handle it, and that it's actually a lot of fun.