Friday, January 24, 2014

Healthy Routine


It’s the perfect time for you to start thinking about your health. From playing sports to fueling up with nutritious foods, starting a healthy routine is something fun that you can start today. Here are some tips on creating a healthy routine so you can feel your best every day:

Visit Your Doctor At Least Once a Year
Yearly physicals are important appointments for girls. Not only will your doctor be able to check your vitals to make sure you are healthy and growing, doctors can also give you advice on what to eat and the best fitness regimen for you.

Start Healthy Eating Habits Now
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A study of 6,000 students found that those who ate breakfast every morning had better grades. But healthy eating can’t stop at breakfast. The USDA’s MyPlate is a great way to start planning your meals. They recommend including a variety of vegetables with all different colors, like spinach, red peppers and potatoes. Fruits and foods rich in protein like chicken and eggs are also good for your vitamin intake. Don’t forget to get your dose of calcium too with a nice glass of milk or yogurt.

Learn to Love Water
When you aren’t hydrated, you aren’t at your best. Your head might hurt and you might feel irritated and have a hard time concentrating. It is recommended that you drink 8 to 10 glasses a day of water. Drinking water is an essential part of a healthy diet and routine. It’s also important to drink water while you are exercising (especially in hot weather) — it helps your body function better and replaces fluids you have lost in sweat.

Get Moving
Whether you dance, run, walk or play sports, it is important for you to do at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. These activities will help build muscle and strengthen bones. Break up the time throughout the day and set little goals for yourself. Walk your dog around the block two times or see how fast you can run to the end of your street. As long as you are moving, you will be one step closer to being healthy and feeling good, too!

Get Your Beauty Sleep
If you want to be your best everyday, it’s important to get 8 ½ to 9 hours a sleep every night. That way, your body can completely regenerate itself and begin building energy for tomorrow’s big day. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, it’ll be difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning and concentrate in class (and maybe snooze off during a lecture). Relax and get some shut-eye tonight so you can start tomorrow off energized and ready for whatever may come your way.