Saturday, December 8, 2012

How Much Water Should You Drink


You are young. You are strong. You're even a pretty good athlete. You know that it's important to drink water, especially in the summer. And you do when you get thirsty. So what's all the hype about heat and hydration? The scary truth is that moderate exercise in the heat can quickly lead to a breakdown in a person's ability to function properly, even in a perfect physical specimen such as yourself. You like listening to a lecture about as much as we want to prepare one, so read up on the most common questions we've been asked about water and summer and all that jazz.

Why all the hoopla all of a sudden about dehydration? Why can't you just wait till you're thirsty and then drink?
Thirst is a delayed response to dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already a bit dehydrated. Various studies show that fluid levels change quickly during exercise, making it impossible to use thirst as an accurate gauge for how much fluid you need.

Does it make a difference what you drink?
Absolutely. Not all fluids are absorbed at the same rate in your bloodstream. Drinks containing caffeine cause you to lose fluid and lead to further dehydration.

How much water should you drink?
If you sweat a lot, you can lose one quart of fluid an hourjust through the sweat glands. Runners easily lose two to three pounds of water in a five-mile run.

How much water do you actually need to replace during exercise?
Sweating is the way the body cools itself off. The weight you lose during exercise actually represents a loss of fluids, not a loss of fat. For every pound you lose following exercise, you should drink at least 24 ounces of water.

But what if you HATE to drink water?
Experts agree that the best sports drink in the world is good old-fashioned water. So-called "energy" drinks have stimulants that can actually increase the chance of dehydration. Many protein drinks increase the work of the kidneys and, along with a high fat content, cause a calcium as well as water loss. Fruit juices and sports drinks can be high in sugar and carbohydrates, causing cramps. If you must use these drinks, either alternate with water or dilute them with water. Other choices are a diet that includes lots of grapes, watermelon, peaches, lettuce, cucumber, and celery.

How much should you drink?
Beginning a game hydrated doesn't mean drinking a can of soda or even water on the way to the field. All that will do is giveyou full bladder and a panicked run to the bathroom before the game is over. Unlike with food, you can't stock up on fluids for exercise to be done at a later time. Get into the habit of drinking four to five glasses of water a day. Drink 1220 ounces of water two to three hours before you play. Studies suggest at least three to four ounces every 15 minutes while you're active and two cups of water afterward.

How do you know if you're dehydrated?
Symptoms include flushed skin, headache, dry and itchy skin, coated tongue, irritability, indigestion, lack of concentration, constipation and confusion.

How do you know if you're hydrated?
Your urine should be the color of light lemonade. If it's the color of apple juice, you are dehydrated!

Pouring water on my head cools me off. Does it help hydrate?
Although that might cool you off temporarily, and it does feel really good, it has nothing to do with hydrating your body.