Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Beauty Secrets (:

When it comes to facing the sweltering, sticky summer elements, I’ll be the first to admit that my beauty regimen is not so hot on the season’s trying temps. That said, when summertime rolls around I like to pull out a few of my favorite beauty tricks to combat unwanted raccoon eyes and green-tinged post-pool strands.

To keep your face from melting off and your hair from frizzing up, I’ve put together 10 of my favorite beauty tips for you so you can keep your look cool, calm and collected no matter how hot and humid things get…
  1. Prime. Use primer to keep your makeup in place throughout the day. It also helps reduce unwanted shine too. Apply it after your SPF and moisturizer and allow it to dry completely before putting on your face makeup.
  2. Love liquid. While pencil liners are great, a good waterproof liquid liner won’t smudge or run when things get hot (or wet). This one is my favorite. (I’m wearing it as I type this blog!)
  3. Scrub and soothe. Be sure to give those gams a good scrub. And don’t forget your feet too. To get your tootsies sandal ready, give them a scrub in the shower and then slather them with lotion afterward. Next, slip your feet into a pair of cotton socks and hit the hay. When you wake up, your feet will be soft as a baby’s bottom and ready for their close up. 
  4. Ditch your dryer (and your bathroom). Since the summer is characteristically a very dry season, it’s a great time to let your strands air-dry. I find that a simple low pony (pulled to the front on one side) is a great fallback, as is a loose side braid. But if you must blow dry your hair, do not do it in the bathroom right after you have showered. The humidity will only make your hair frizzier. For a super sleek summer blowout, head into another (dry) room and dry your hair there.
  5. Shave smart. After shaving your legs, use an alcohol-free lotion to avoid razor burn and irritation. 
  6. Chill out. It may sound unpleasant, but cold showers are much better for your skin because hot showers leech your skin of its moisture. Hot showers also wreak havoc on dry hair because it opens your hair follicles, causing them to dehydrate. Instead, opt for a lukewarm or tepid shower. At the end of your shower, turn the water to cold to seal your hair follicles and quench your skin. This will make your hair extra shiny and your skin extra smooth. 
  7. Don’t go green. To prevent your hair from turning an unpleasant shade of green after a dip in chlorinated water, slater it with oil (it can be baby oil, olive oil, coconut oil etc.). If all else fails, simply rinse your hair with tap water before jumping in. 
  8. Lighten up. Since cake-face is never a good look, I like to dilute my cover-up with a little eye cream during the warmer months. It makes this traditionally heavier makeup a bit lighter and sheerer, which is ideal for summer. It’s also a good idea to use less foundation (unless you’re up for risking a serious facial landslide) and preferably one that is silicone-based to prevent smudging and sliding. During the summer, less is more!
  9. De-puff. After a day spent in the sun (and possibly drinking margaritas), you will most likely find yourself with a major case of puffy eyes the next morning. To reduce puffiness, slice up a few refrigerated potatoes, soak them in water for a moment or two and then place them over your lids for 15 minutes. Works like a charm. 
  10. Go sheer. While I love a great red lip, thicker ‘sticks should be saved for other seasons. During the summer I like to swap out my favorite lipsticks for their sheerer counterparts. Lip-glosses, tints and balms are other summertime favorites for me as well.