Friday, March 2, 2012

UnCool: The Book About Fitting in at School

Maybe you aren't great at fitting in at school (whatever that means). Maybe you can count your friends on one hand. Maybe the people you do hang out with are more "out" than "in." So?

It's cool to be uncool. All it means is that you don't fit the mold. You don't adhere to the status quo. You're unique, quirky, interesting. Different.

Maybe you like to read poetry, make art, or build weird crap that flies. Maybe you're a budding fashion designer or bass player or marine biologist. Maybe you're still figuring out exactly who you are and who you want to be. But you know this: You'd rather be considered a little bit of a misfit than exactly like everyone else fitting in at school. Still, there's no denying that not fitting in at school can sometimes be a real pain in the neck. Choosing to be authentically you, quirks and all, isn't always the prettiest or simplest path. That's where the book,Uncool, comes in handy.

With Uncool, you'll ponder the social world around you, learn the all-important Rules of Misfitness, and gain a better understanding of your arch nemesis. You'll also get pointers on how to refine your fashion aesthetic and how to handle frenemies. You'll learn to align yourself with fellow free thinkers and how to figure out where you feel comfortable fitting in at school.

You'll be guided through the sucky parts of being socially on the fringe, and find out how great it is to be awesomely, independently, absolutely yourself. Along the way, you might even realize you're more uncool than you thought. Which, of course, only makes you that much cooler. Here's an example of the tips and tricks you'll learn to about fitting in at school:

A few of The Unrules
  • Be kind to your fellow misfits.
  • Believe that black is a color suitable for any occasion, worthy even of being added to the rainbow.
  • Think. Be. Think and be different.
  • Throw caution to the wind. Take chances with fashion, hobbies, hopes, and dreams.
  • Be okay with wearing things that your mother, grandmother, or old neighbor thinks are ugly.
  • Don't be afraid to look weird.
  • Write a blog. Make a documentary film. Publish a 'zine. Learn the accordion. Build a radio-controlled blimp. Express your individuality in a healthy, creative way.

Of course, it goes without saying that the only real hard and fast rule of not fitting in at school is that there are no real hard and fast rules of misfitness. In other words, as a misfit you're free to chuck what you like. You can toss this entire list and make up your own. Or just weed through it, adding and editing as you please. For more, check out Uncool.