Saturday, March 3, 2012

5O Things to do this Spring & Summer!!
1. Gather up a few friends & have a picnic at the park.
2. Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc.
3. Buy some fashion magazines, pick out a couple of really cute outfits, and try to recreate them for less!
4. Bead some bracelets and sell them for charity.
5. Volunteer at the local animal or homeless shelter.
6. Clean your room!
7. Bake some cupcakes and deliver them to friends and family.
8. Play some childhood games like "Sorry", "Candyland", or "Operation".
9. Take your dog for a walk.
10. E-mail a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile.
11. Do 25 jumping jacks!
12. Look through old family scrapbooks, photo books, and yearbooks.
13. Have a car wash with some friends .
14. Go to the movies.
15. Go window-shopping with a friend.
16. Write a poem.
17. Make fresh lemonade.
18. Give your dog a bath.
19. Make dinner for your family.
20. Baby-sit for a neighbor.

21. Have a sleepover party and watch scary movies.
22. Plan a vacation you want to take next summer.
23. Plant flowers in your yard.
24. Go to a water park.
25. Take a bubble bath.
26. Make a mixed CD of your favorite songs.
27. Order a pizza.
28. Have a water balloon fight with your friends and cousins.
29. Buy some crayons and a coloring book.
30. Read a book based on a movie you have seen.
31. Make a scrapbook of your baby pictures.
32. Get a job or an internship.
33. Start a diary and write in it everyday.
34. Spend the day at the library.
35. Draw a self-portrait.
36. Make a collage of things you like out of old magazines.
37. Run around in the sprinklers.
38. Go to a museum.
39. Go out for lunch with one of your parents.
40. Jump in the pool with your clothes on.
41. Write about how you envision the future.
42. Learn to sew or knit.
43. Visit an elderly person at a nursing or retirement home.
44. Swing on the swings at the park.
45. Tie-Dye a t-shirt or bed sheets with Kool-Aid!
46. Make a smoothie.
47. Draw on a poster using finger paint.
48. Make popsicles in your freezer.
49. Turn the radio up loud and dance.
50. Go camping in your backyard!