Thursday, January 1, 2015


Great feels!

Here are three ways to stop making excuses and be on your way to your dream bikini body:

Excuse #1: I don’t have time.
For all the ladies out there who have packed their schedules to the brim, I’m sure you’ve found yourself saying the excuse that you just don’t have enough time for exercise. The truth of the matter is that if something is a priority, you will make time for it. You don’t have to set aside a three-hour window just to break a sweat. A 30-minute run is a great way to get cardio in when you don’t have much time to spare. If you have an extra busy day, try doing some yoga poses in your bedroom before getting ready for work or taking a walk during your lunch break. It can even be as simple as doing 50 jumping jacks in place, then doing 50 crunches. Every little bit counts, and making the time for exercise will get your mind back in gear.

Excuse #2: My gym is too far.
While the gym you belong to may not be right down the street, there is no reason to let that get in the way of you getting in shape. On those days that you can’t squeeze in driving to the gym, try following a workout DVD instead. Also, since it’s finally summertime and the weather is nice (nicer than snowy winters at least!), take advantage of working out outdoors. Lace up and go for a run, a hike, or even a nice long walk in your neighborhood. Then, the next time you do have time to go to the gym, make sure you put in the effort to get there so you don’t get in the habit of being lazy.

Excuse #3: I don’t know how to begin.
For some people, working out may seem overwhelming: “running is hard, yoga is painful, spinning is intimidating!” If these thoughts creep up whenever you think about exercising, now might be the time to face your fears. Exercising and eating healthy will prolong your life, prevent disease, and boost your mood (not to mention give you a fabulous figure). So there is no reason to avoid your gym shoes any longer. If you feel uncomfortable with certain workouts, ease into them and let yourself get familiar with which ones you like best. If you have never been a runner but you want to tone your legs, start going on run-walks where you alternate between one minute of walking and three minutes of jogging. Grabbing a friend and heading to a yoga class, a spinning sesh, or taking a hike is also a great way to boost your cardio confidence. No matter how you choose to get past this barrier, I promise you will be happier once you do!