Will You Say Yes to Loving Yourself?
Self love lies at the heart of creating a life of abundance. It is the starting point to self mastery. It sums up the process of inner alchemy. More than anything else, self love is a layering process that takes you in reconnecting with the essence of who you are.
All the talk about goal setting, how to be successful and making money quick is best set aside until and unless you have reached a loving reserve inside you. Self love is food for your mind-body-soul, the nourishment that you need even before you can make any meaningful attempt to do anything great or anything at all. You access the beauty, strength, grace and eternal nature that is you.
For self love starvers, it starts with the intention to build a deepening relationship with the self. Obviously, before going on any undertaking, you will need to say yes! It’s just like when you take a marriage oath, you agree with a “I do”.
So here’s what saying yes to loving yourself entails:
a commitment to the self to love unconditionally;
not abandoning the self when under stress or in times of trouble;
agreeing to listen to the self whenever it has grievances and not ignoring its feelings;
trusting the self;
spending time alone without any other noise or distraction; and,
doing whatever you can to build a healthy relationship with the self.
Even if you have already embraced yourself lovingly, there is no harm to declaring your intention. Self-love is, after all, a journey. You reaffirm your commitment to the self by saying “yes”.