Master Your Time
Okay, you don't have mom and dad looking over your shoulder anymore (hopefully) to make sure you get stuff done. There's no kindergarten teacher saying "Mary, it's nap time" (or play time, or work time). You're responsible for your own deadlines, and for getting organized.
We all feel overwhelmed sometimes by all the STUFF we have to do. The more complicated your life gets, the better your system of organization has to be. Here are some tips on time management.
Write it down
Every time you think of something you haven't done, it takes up brain energy and is stressful. So get it out of your brain and down on paper. Writing stuff down is a powerful tool - it gives you clarity, frees up your mind, and helps you decide what to do first. So make a "to do" list every day. Put things in order of importance and get going. When you finish something, cross it off with a big fat marker - it's a great feeling! Then move on.
Get a date Book
A great time management tool. Get a cool date book and mark the day something is due, then work backwards to block out time to do it. Actually fill in the time, like "Monday, March 3, 4-6 p.m.: do chemistry homework."
Get a grip
Sometimes you can feel totally overwhelmed by all the stuff you have to do. Then it's easy to think, "What's the use? I'll never get it done." Usually the next step is to zone out in front of the TV. Bad idea! Three hours later, you still have tons to do, and you feel badly about yourself. So don't put things off. Promise yourself you'll work two hours, then zone out for 30 minutes as a reward.
Take baby steps
Really big projects - like writing a paper -- can be overwhelming too. Break it down into manageable steps, like: "Monday: Get the book. Tuesday: Read one chapter. Wednesday: Read another chapter.... Thursday: Do an outline." Take baby steps. Each one feels like a victory.
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