Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tips for Being a Responsible Teenager/ Young Adult

What is this new found freedom? Yesterday, your mom was picking out your clothes and 
tucking you into bed. Today, she's dropping you and your friends off at the mall. It's too good
 to be true! This didn't magically happen, though. You worked for days, weeks, YEARS 
proving to your parents that you’re responsible.

Now that you’re a teenager, your parents aren't only giving you freedom; they're also giving 
you more responsibility. Use these tips to be safe and show you can be responsible — it’ll 
make your parents feel proud and you can earn even more independence.

my IG @california0k | via weheartit

Out and About
Whether you’re out at the mall with your friends or just out to get some frozen yogurt with the
 girls, remember these ideas for being safe without your parents by your side:

  • NEVER talk to strangers, no matter how cute they look or nice they seem.

  • Always have at least $10 in cash on you. This money is for those "just in case" instances. Don't be tempted to spend it on last minute purchases.

  • Make sure your cell phone is charged and you have minutes left.

  • Always set a clear time when your parents will pick you up and respect that time. When 
    your mom says 3 p.m., be ready either before or at 3 p.m. She doesn't mean 3:15 p.m. By 
    being punctual, she'll be more apt to let you go out with your friends more often.

    J'adore Fashion ~'s Photos | via Facebook

Home Alone
So your parents are letting you stay home by yourself without the watchful eyes of a 
babysitter? Time to par-tay, right? Wrong! Save your parents the grief (and you the BIG 
trouble) and use this time doing things that are parent-approved.

  • Before your parents go out, make sure you have a number where you can reach them and a time you can expect them home.

  • If someone calls your house, NEVER say you are home alone. If the caller asks to speak to
     your mom, tell the person she's in the bathroom. If someone knocks on the door, don't 
    open the door (even if you know the person). Keep plenty of lights on and be aware of your 

  • Hearing strange noises outside? Don't go out there to investigate. Always stay in your house
     with the doors locked. If you start to get scared or freaked out, call your parents or 
    another responsible adult.

  • Do not cook, light fireworks, burn candles or do anything else that may harm you or your home.

  • Want someone there with you? With proper planning in advance, ask your parents if you can have a friend over. That way, you know you’re all clear. Pick out a movie to watch or 
    play a game — things you know your parents approve.

  • Do not have a party. It could be fun for a few hours, but getting busted may mean 
    babysitters for life. You will lose the trust of your parents and probably lose some
     freedoms you’ve already earned.

  • Clean up before they get home. If the house is in better shape when they arrive home than when they left, you get big bonus points — and more freedom next time!
