Monday, October 28, 2013

What Clothes Can Say About You

What's so bad about wearing a tank top to school? Or a pair of low, low-rise jeans? You should be free to express yourself through your clothes, right? And although you may think that "dress codes and attire rules are cramping your individuality, take a moment to think about what your clothing says about you and the consequences of what you wear.

 Selena rules

What Your Clothes Say
Your fashion choices say so much about you; from your personality and music preferences to your friends and activities. Problems can occur, however, when your clothes are too revealing. Experts agree that wearing low-cut shirts, tight-fitting jeans, miniskirts or super tight tank tops that reveal your bra straps can give off the wrong message.

The Consequences of Revealing Clothes
You want your clothes to compliment you and invite the right attention. People should focus on you and not your body parts. When you wear revealing clothes like low tops or super tight skirts, people get distracted and may believe you are interested in something you’re not. Rumors can start and you can ruin your reputation as a straight-A student with good morals. You also want to abide by any rules at your school. These are in place to protect you, and who wants to end up in the principal’s office?! That can be humiliating!

Be Outfit Aware
Sometimes you may not even mean to wear something revealing. Remember your favorite shirt from last year? All of the sudden it’s fitting a lot tighter through the chest. Your body is changing and sometimes your wardrobe just doesn’t keep up. Be aware of how your clothes fit and check yourself before you leave your house. Choose the outfit that will say all the right things about you — like how you are stylish and beautiful. Remove the focus from the changes in your body’s development.

Make an effort to be aware of your clothing choices
Don't let the wrong fashion impression undo all the wonderful work you do. Instead, make sure that the clothes you choose each day flatter your figure and cover all your personal parts. You want the attention you get from teachers, parents and guys to be positive. You’ll also feel great knowing that everyone loves you for who you are and the things you say and do. That’s real beauty!