Thursday, April 18, 2013

Girls' Make-Up Tips


We're sure it's not news to you that these years are the most emotionally charged of your life. Your body is developing at a rapid pace, your skin changes from day to day, and your hormones are raging. Some days it seems that everything in your world is in total flux. And when zits, braces, and frizzy hair weigh in, some girls' make up tips are much needed.

It's not a lot to ask—being comfortable in your own skin—but today's magazine covers set the beauty bar so impossibly high, it's hard to appreciate what you see in the mirror. Even if your brain understands that only eight out of three billion women look like supermodels, and if Barbie were a real woman, she'd have to walk on all fours due to her proportions, it doesn't really help you feel any better. The experts say you won't love your outside until you love your inside, but how do you do that?

An old Saturday Night Live (SNL) skit had Billy Crystal saying, "It's better to look good than to feel good." We are convinced one follows the other. Have fun experimenting with girls' make-up tips using your face as a canvas to find what colors are most flattering, then crank it up a notch and see whose reflection appears. Get to know who you are and embrace what makes you one-of-a-kind you!

Here are a few girls' make-up tips to keep in mind as you develop your daily beauty regimen. Along with making and keeping good friends, exercising, eating properly and appreciating yourself for the extraordinary person you are becoming, they just might make looking in the mirror a more pleasurable experience.


Soften your naturalness

If you want to try out something new, try this girls' make-up tip: a "makeunder." Experts believe that too often makeovers involve lots of makeup and a masking of who you really are. Play up your lips OR your eyes, not both. Loose powder adds a natural glow to your skin. Less is always more.

Spend your money wisely. Quality matters more when buying eye shadow, moisturizer, powder, and lipstick, and less when it comes to mascara, eye liner, cleansers and lip gloss. When you're contemplating trying out a new look, make sure you test the foundation, lipstick, blush and powder to make sure you choose the right color for your skin tone. When it comes to buying mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss, it's not as important to try it out first.

People tend to judge others by the care they put into their hands and their feet. Nothing says well-groomed louder than nails that are clean and the same length. Use this girls' make-up tip: If you polish your nails, change or remove the color when it chips.

Get beyond the oppressive messages of the media and own your own look. Don't be afraid to experiment with girls' make-up tips. Style is a fabulous form of self expression. There are many different versions of beauty, from bombshell to fairy princess, Goth/vamp to girl next door. Create your own unique, individual look, one that feels comfortable in your skin.