Wednesday, May 30, 2012


For me, being the oldest sister of two siblings is both fun and hard. Being the oldest means having a lot of responsibilities and enjoying it, but it is also great knowing that I'll be the first one to get a cell phone and my driver's license.

Being the oldest sister, babysitting is also one of the great things we get to do, (even though it's not always great for the younger siblings). I have to make sure my little brother and sister stay out of trouble, I have to make sure all of my chores are done, and I have to follow all the rules. I also have to make sure I'm acting maturely, because my siblings are always looking up to me.

Responsibilities are sometimes annoying, but with more responsibilities come more privileges. I get to go to the movies with my friends, stay up later, and get a bigger allowance.

You know what else is great about being the oldest sister? PG-13 movies! It's cool knowing that you've matured enough to enjoy the kinds of movies that my little siblings aren't allowed to watch. So, when we're watching G-rated movies, it's great knowing that I can watch my movie next.

Something else I like about being the oldest is that I don't have to go into the babysitting room at the gym. I can exercise with the adults whenever I want! Sometimes it can be really great being the oldest sister!

One not so great thing about being the oldest sister is that your parents expect more from you. If you're blamed for something that you didn't do, usually the tattletale is your younger sibling. Sometimes, they want to make themselves seem like little angels, even if they're hiding their horns and tail!

Sometimes, I think that the younger siblings are sooo lucky. But we get the good life every once in a while, too. We don't have to worry about getting hand-me-down clothes and toys all the time, which means we get to go shopping for our own clothes, and they're always new. One of my best friends and I are always looking for dresses in the junior's section to try on, (just for fun.) Even if we'd never buy them, it's fun to see what the new fashions are and what they look like when we try them on. It's great being in junior sizes now, because we get more of a variety of clothes to choose from. There are more styles that allow you to have shorter shorts, longer earrings, and much more that younger siblings can't have.

Okay, I'm done complaining. I really love it when I get to help my little brother work on spelling, and my little sister with homework. I can tell that they really like spending time with me and learning what I teach them, so I take time to play board games and hang out with them when I can.

Being the oldest sister is great, but sometimes it's not easy. And, still, I love every bit of being the oldest!