Monday, April 16, 2012

Okay, so you’ve been waiting for this night since you were a teeny little freshman. Four long and exhausting years have gone by and it’s finally time—PROM NIGHT! Planning your big night needs to start ASAP With some advice for prom!

Advice for prom: The Prep
Waiting for that perfect guy to ask you to be his date is so 40 years ago. Wait long enough and you’ll be watching reruns with your mom on prom night. The guy you want to go with may be too shy, so take some Advice for prom and ask him yourself! He’ll be impressed by your courage. Don’t have a date? No worries! Plan to go to the prom with a group of your girlfriends. Who needs dates when you have awesome friends?
About a month and a half before the prom, start looking for the perfect dress. You want to find something that feels comfortable and expresses the true you. The best places to try are bridal boutiques and department stores. Don’t delay on alterations if they’re needed. The last thing you want is a wardrobe malfunction on the dance floor! What you wear under your dress is important, too. Be sure to have a bra and undies that are comfortable and work with your dress.
No one needs the stress of having terrible hair and makeup on prom night. Practice different ‘dos a couple weeks before the big night. Do the same with your makeup and practice different looks. Ask your hairdresser if you can come in a week or so beforehand to do discuss what you want. This way, you’re not stuck with a style you hate.

Advice for prom: The Emergency Kit
In order to keep your supermodel look all night, an emergency kit is essential.
• To keep your hair beautiful, bring a tiny bottle of hairspray and bobby pins.
• Even if YOU don’t have your period, grab a tampon and a pad; you could save a friend from a disaster! Tampax Compak tampons are so small they will fit right into that little, to die for, purse!
• Clear nail polish works great if you get a snag in your pantyhose. Dab a little clear nail polish on any hole to stop it in its tracks.
• Lipgloss is a girl’s best friend. It’s foolproof and will give you kissable lips in just seconds.
• Stash at least $20 in your bag in case of emergencies.
• Cell phone, if you have one
Prom night is meant to be a time that you spend with your friends, dancing and looking fantastic the whole time. The last thing you want is any last-minute drama.Follow our advice for prom and have a fun and memorable time with your best buds!