Everyone wants to be good in bed, which is totally a normal aspiration to have. No one goes into sex thinking they want to be really bad at it. I’ve come to find that communication is one of the most important things in the bedroom and that not every person is compatible with you.
But there are some things that will definitely assure that you’re bad in bed. I’m not talking about not knowing how to physically have sex. Sex is much more than that! Here are 10 ways to tell you need to adjust your bedroom game:
1- You only think about yourself.
2- You pressure your partner into doing things they aren’t comfortable with.
3- You make fun of your partner for not knowing how to do something.
4- You compare your partner’s performance to a previous partner.
5- You get angry when your partner isn’t in the mood.
6- You skip foreplay.
7- You don’t vocalize what you like.
8- You don’t care about what your partner likes.
9- You fake it.
10- You don’t know if you have any STDs.