Your boyfriend’s cute smile and quirky habits might seem like enough to deem him The One, but let’s face it: Relationships are based on more than attraction. Here are some signs he may not be the one for the long haul, even if he is fun for now.
He'd rather be with the guys.
There's nothing wrong with a little man-cave time, but when he drops his romantic plans with you to play beer pong with the guys, it might be a good sign to move on.
He calls other women first to share good news.
If his mom, boss and former math teacher are on speed dial but you're not, this is a billboard-sized sign. If you're not ranking by now, there is a good chance you never will.
Do you really want to look back and consider your time wasted?
(The correct answer is no.)
He blows off important dates.
Don't get too worked up if your guy doesn't see the importance of your five-month anniversary; no one's perfect. A significant date (like your birthday), however, should be a no brainer.
You don't get an invite.
If you're rarely his date to the big events, like a cousin's wedding or an awards banquet where he's being honored, he's not taking the relationship very seriously.
He mentions the ex, and more than once.
It may not be extremely obvious, but frequent mentions of his ex-girlfriend could mean he hasn't let go. That can mean you're just filling in for now.
You don't have the same outlook on life.
You want to travel, but he loves being a homebody. You want kids, while he'd rather act like a kid. The future you each envision is important when deciding the fate of your relationship. Do you really want to look back and consider your time wasted?
His cute, quirky habits are starting to grate on your nerves.
If his leaving the toilet seat up, not washing the dishes for days and poor table manners are starting to annoy you more than nails on a chalkboard, heed the warning sign -- and don't expect him to erase those behaviors away time soon. Believe us: He will not change. No matter what he says, you've got to love him for who he is right now, or it's probably not going to work.
He has a bad track record.
As the saying goes, history repeats itself. Even though he seems dedicated to you, Facebooking with past hot and heavy flames and flirting with the waitress could be signs he's not interested in settling down.
The relationship is all about sex.
Of course, sex in a relationship is good, but it shouldn't be the sole form of entertainment. If spending quality time outside of the bedroom with you doesn't interest him, you should lose interest in him.
Look beyond the chemistry.
Minus his good looks and hot bod, would you still want to be with him? If your answer is "no," well, that's a really good sign he's probably not the one.