8 Tips For College Students
1. Get Good Walking Shoes!
Yes, I am very serious! You need good shoes so you can get around campus without damaging your feet. Also, the better th shoes, the more you'll be encouraged to walk a little extra and use the stairs more often. Thus, you'll be getting some exercise while in school.
2. Eat a Good, Healthy, and Hearty Breakfast
In order to make it through the day, each day, you need a nice healthy breakfast. So think big...healthy...tasty... and satisfying. If a breakfast fits all the above, then you should be good until lunch time.
3. Take Notes!
Maybe you would rather listen to a lecture instead of taking notes, but you will not be able to remember everything unless you go home and type everything immediately. Thus, while in class take as much notes of the important points as you can. If needed, type up your notes as soon as you get a chance so they'll be more readable later on.
4. Visit Your Professors During Office Hours.
I've said this before but I am going to repeat it because it's crucial. Visit your professors during office hours and show them that you care about learning (because you do, right?). Ask for help if you're having a hard time understanding an assignment or discuss any concerns you might have. Always keep in mind that professors are there to help you.
5. Pack Your Lunch.
If you have money to spend, feel free to buy your lunch. However, if you're like the rest of us college students, then you're pretty much broke, so pack your lunch every day. It only takes five minutes to fix a sandwich and if you do it the night before, then you don't have to worry about it in the morning when you're always in a hurry to leave.
7. Network.
You need to network with your fellow classmates, professors, faculty, etc. Get to know everyone, even the lady who sells coffee in the cafeteria. You never know how these people can help you; even if they don't, just be human and acknowledge those around you. Throw a "good morning" here and a "smile" there.
8. Get a Planner
If you don't have a planner and you're managing fine, that's awesome, but believe me you're going to need it. Thus, get yourself a planner so you can keep track of all the important dates and deadlines. A planner is a nice way to organize your life...even if you don't always stick to the schedule you set for yourself :)